Hollandaise sauce

Tropical porridge

BBQ pulled chicken burger

schedule 10 min
local_dining 1
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In  a saucepan mix the oats, yoghurt, almond milk and half of the grated coconut and bring to the boil.
Oats – 50 g, coconut yoghurt – 150 g, almond milk – 100 g, grated coconut – 1 Tbsp

Then turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Cut the fruits into small pieces, add half of them to the oats and mix.
Kiwi – 1, mango – 70 g

Transfer the porridge into a bowl, sprinkle the rest of the grated coconut and arrange what’s left of the fruits into a spiral form.
Grated coconut – 1 Tbsp
